These six hats are the key to essential thinking. The first hat , which is the white hat, refers to information, questions and facts. The second hat, which is the red hat, refers to emotion and feeling. The third hat, which is the black hat, refers to caution and logic. The fourth hat, which is the yellow hat, refers to positivity. The fight hat, which is the green hat, refers to creativity. And last but not least, the sixth hat, which is the blue hat, refers to control. And those were the six hats listed.

The first hat, which is the white hat, is all about information and the facts that we need for our information as well. It asks us what's missing and what questions need to be answered as well. It's what people call a "map making" exercise. It also has plenty of gaps and gaps as well. For example, “I think we need some white hat thinking at this point ...” is referring to “Let’s drop the arguments and proposals and look at the data.” Without that hat, all of the information that we might need later in our lives would be completely unvailable to us.

The second hat, which is the red hat, is all about emotions and feelings of people. Usually in discussions, feelings and emotions are not allowed, however they can be allowed to be part of a meeting if they contain some logic in them. Also, the red hat makes it so that feeling doesn't need to be explained. Complex feelings of the red hat include hunches, intuitions, and also gut feelings. People with the red hat are allowed to put forward an intuition without the need of any justification for it.

The third hat, which is the black hat, refers to judgement and caution. In spite of it's color, this hat is in no way negative or inferior as it can lead to critical thinking in case we start to make an unwise choice that we might later regret. The balck hat is also connected to traditional arguments that's able to point out the flaws in somee subject. This hat is all about logic and is also about making sure that a system is being carefully followed.

The fourth hat, which is the yellow hat, is all about optimism. This hat helps people to see the bright side and benefits of many things and to never give into to hopelessness. There's also opportunity thinking and speculation to be found as well. It motivates people to want to make things happen in life and not stand around and just do nothing of substance. It's even constructive and generative, too so that nothing is disorganized.

The fifth hat, which is the green hat is all about creativity. Using this particular hat allows for plenty of new ideas and possibilities. It also encourages us to find some new challenges and alternatives to help us expand. Afterl all, creativity's the business of just about everybody around us. Provication is also included as well, as it can help create movement. It also allows for creative thought as well.

The sixth hat, which is the blue hat, is all about thinking about the subject in hand. It revolves around three things: instructions, organization, and control. Summaries, overviews, and conclusions are part of it as well. Plus, it announces the many different hats as well. The only one who can wear the hat is a person who's leading the thinking session. Overall, it's the leader of the entire thinking process.

My Semester Project

Ever since the discussion I've had back in class about my dog project, I've come up with plenty of ways to expand the project. First, I'm thinking of creating social media accounts and even inserting a phone number as well. I've also thought of puttting in a discusison board so that people can write down what's on their midn when they're selecting the dog breed that the want. Not only that, but I'm also thinking of putting in a sweepstakes as well to entice some participants.